Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday George and Keith

Today is the birthday of two great Americans: George Washington and my brother, Keith, who turned 50 today. We shared many adventures growing up, from building a raft out of porch railings which sank on its maiden voyage, catching minnows in Dead Man's Creek, playing baseball, pulling seemingly unending rows of tobacco in the dusty red fields of southern Virginia, backyard campouts complete with grocery bags of popcorn and stacks of Superman and Sgt. Rock comic books, a few cracked bones and flared tempers during Sunday afternoon football scrimmages, to double-dating in his '61 Volkswagen Beetle. Even though we live miles apart now he is a blessing to me. Happy Birthday, old man!

Headed for the big league...

With my old brother.

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Waiter-in-Chief

Last week I was in Washington D.C. meeting with friends active on the international religious freedom front. While there I attended the National Prayer Breakfast which is hosted by the President and members of Congress. Before the formal prayers and speeches got underway, General Peter Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, got up to pour coffee for a Congressman's wife and the First Lady, Laura Bush, and then went back and took his seat. The President, seated next to his wife, looked back down the table toward the general with a look that said "Hey! What gives? Why didn't you pour me some coffee?" So Mr. Bush got up, walked down, picked up the coffee pot and brought it back to pour his own coffee and then walked back and poured the General's coffee. By now, this spontaneous coffee exchange had the whole place in an uproar of laughter. I thought it was great to see these two leaders who carry such enormous weights of responsibility be able to laugh with each other.

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Prov. 17:22 KJV


"A merry heart does good like a good cup of coffee" Prov. 17:22 DrK.JV